The Doughdish is the only Herreshoff 12 ½ reproduction in fiberglass that is universally accepted to race in the H Class. The H Class Association is an active group of owners and Herreshoff 12 admirers. You can register in the H Class to be in touch with this community and it is an excellent source for information, fleet contacts and racing opportunities.
For more information please visit the H Class Association web site or contact them at: H Class Association, PO Box 945, Marion, MA 02738
Another Herreshoff resource is: The Herreshoff Registry which keeps track of the original wooden Herreshoff 12s and other boats built by the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company.
If you are interested in racing, contact your local Yacht club and see if they do class racing for the Herreshoff 12 ½. Below is a contact list for the most active H-Class fleets. If your local club does not have an organized fleet, but you would like to race, contact us and we will try to help you to establish one.
NOAA Weather (KFMH): 7-Day Forecast Latitude 41.64°N; Longitude -70.62°W"
Shelter Island Yacht Club
Email: office@siyc.com
P.O. Box 546
12 Chequit Avenue
Shelter Island Heights, NY 11965
Phone: 631-749-0888
The Buzzards Yacht Club
Email: info@buzzardsyc.org
99 South Road, Wings Neck
P.O. Box 3342
Pocasset, MA 02559
Phone: 508-563-9757
The Wianno Yacht Club
Email: info@wiannoyc.com
101 Bridge Street
Osterville, MA
Phone: 508-428-2232
Beverly Yacht Club
Email: office@BeverlyYachtClub.org
99 Water St.
PO Box 181
Marion, MA 02738
Edgartown Yacht Club
Email: info@edgartownyc.org
1 Dock Street
Edgartown, MA 02539
Quissett Yacht Club
Email: info@quissettyachtclub.org
Quissett Harbor, MA
The H12 Class Championship is held annually at various clubs on the Cape on a rotating basis.
ISAF Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 - (PDF)
As the leading authority for the sport, the International Sailing Federation promotes and supports the protection of the environment in all sailing competitions and related activities throughout the world.
ISAF has established a single internet address at which readers will find links to all the online rules documents mentioned in this book. Those documents are listed below. Links to other rules documents will also be provided at that address. The web address is: https://sailing.org/racingrules/documents.